Carolina Ivey

Life is Amazing, Make sure you Enjoy the journey

10 Easy Ideas to Burn 200 Calories

Burning calories need not be a major undertaking, and not are constricted to a gym only! We give you 10 easy ideas to burn 200 calories that don't need a journey to fitness boot camp, choose what you love to do:

10 Ideas to Burn 200 Calories:

10 Easy Ideas to Burn 200 Calories

Football is a good way to build relationships and opportunity to burn calories. competitive football would burn 190 calories in 20 minutes.

Boot camp:
Create your own boot camp; squat, Jump, jumping jacks and a few push ups. Start with 3 mins each of them. Boot camp would burn 200 calories in half hour.

Think of the change the house looks.. lifting, pushing couch. Burns 210 calories an 25 mins.

Try everyday evening or morning, take your bike out and go for a ride. You can burn 210 calories in half hour.

Stair training:
Be it the your office, your residential building or shopping mall.. Try take the stairs and do not use the lift. Half an hour is sufficient to burn 215 calories.

Get massage at the end of a stressful day, 40 minutes for burn 200 calories.

Car wash:
Your car.. it's dirty, time to wash it. No send your car to an expensive car wash, you can do it yourself, and burn 215 calories an 40 minutes.

Swimming is the best form of training, it has many advantages, your body will recharged up and feel refreshed.

Practice badminton:
Play badminton and get some jumping, stretches and bending, which burn about 200 calories in 40 mins.

Playing with children:
Join the children and play 22 minutes on the trampoline for burn 87 calories, and 20 minute game of hopscotch for burn 113 calories.


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