Carolina Ivey

Life is Amazing, Make sure you Enjoy the journey

Cranberry Juice Detox

Cranberry Juice Detox

In some ways our bodies are like car engines that need to be cleaned and cared for periodically to protect them from excess wear due not only to overwork, but also to the nasty elements that come through fuels and oils used.

Similarly, our bodies are largely affected by the quality of food we consume. Very few things are pure. All what we eat and drink is contaminated with additives and chemicals that are in most cases annoying and harmful to our bodies.

Our liver and kidneys are the two organs responsible for detoxification or purifying the body from all alien substances that are usually very annoying to our health. As a result, it is a good idea to take care of them to maintain their proper functioning and maintain their best state.

The different foods we eat, the varied medications we use to treat different kinds of infections and ailments put a big burden on these two organs. Bacterial infections, also, are always there menacing our health and vitality.

One of the best remedies to refresh and revive our bodies is to have a dose of the cranberry juice (Cranberries are any sort of several trailing ericaceous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium, such as the European V. Oxycoccus, that bear sour edible red berries). 

Cranberry Juice Detox
Cranberry Juice Detox

Cranberry juice 

Is described as the magic purifying agent and best treatment for various ailments. If you suffer from kidney problems, frequent urinary tract infections or weakness of the kidneys, all what you need is the 100% natural and most effective remedy. It is simply cranberry juice.

Unlike any other pharmaceutical preparations, it is void of any harmful side effects. Cranberry possesses antiseptic qualities that affect directly on the kidney functions. Just having a glass or two of cranberry juice (Detox) on a daily basis is all what you need to push away infections in people who are susceptible to kidney ailments.

To name just a few of cranberry juice virtues on our bodies we can mention its antiseptic properties that kill off any bacteria which might be residing in our kidneys and at the same time preventing bacteria from sticking to the kidney cell walls, fending off urinary tract infections. Other studies have proved that cranberry juice reduces the plaque in artery walls, reduce the formation of tumors and lower cholesterol. In short, cranberry juice is a very effective age old remedy against all types of kidney ailments.

So far, we have described cranberries as a remedy, but do they have any nutritional value? These ''wonder berries'' are high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C, E and K as well as magnesium, which helps keep your skin, bones and cartilage in good shape.

There is no special care or precautions when using cranberry juice detox program. Just take the juice on a daily basis and it will work very effectively.

Not only people who want to get ready of a nasty addiction like tobacco, alcohol or drug consumption, but every body needs cranberry juice. Pregnant women, elderly people, kidney patients and those recovering from illness can benefit from the cranberry juice detoxification program.

Cranberry juice (Detox) products take different forms and of different tastes. It is a good idea to look for the organic with no sugar added. If you can't stand the taste of cranberry, or are diabetic, you can go for the alternative in the form of powdered capsules and in ready made bottles.

Medical professionals often warn people against doing extensive detox diets because the juice alone isn't an adequate substitute to the other nutritious substances our bodies need. People should take vitamins and supplements along the way. Anyone who begins feeling faint and dizzy or light-headed on the plan, should stop and eat something substantive. If not the benefits of cranberry juice are largely and negatively affected.

Also, it is wise to rehabilitate our bodies at the end of the treatment course to avoid any shock after this period of somewhat food restrictions. Jumping right with a full meal after fasting can often cause a person to become sick.

To get cranberry juice is quite easy with no additives or preservatives. Just place crushed cranberries in water. This is far better from buying it from any place. The specialized herbalist you buy from can help you. What you need:

  • Half of a cup of cranberries crushed.
  • 8 ounces of purified water.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry Juice

The crushed cranberry release their juice. Add water and let the mixture rest for 30 minutes. This is all what you need to get the most powerful detoxicant and it is 100% natural. 


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